Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Day 1

Well, today's appointments went as planned and without any difficulties. The chemo treatment took almost 5 hours and so far just some tiredness and a bit queazy (but medicine seems to help). Tomorrow & Thurs. chemo appointments are at 8:40 in the morning. It is important that Dad avoids catching anything (cold's etc) and so we are trying to be careful about that too! God blessed us with an extremely loving nurse, who took a lot of time to explain everything and we our thankful for that!


Rachael said...

HI Dad,
Just got off phone with mom to see how today went, says your staying strong and feeling ok right now, I know you have a long road ahead of you dad, I pray everyday for a miracle and only God can truly make you well. I miss you more than words can say, I wish I could be there more for you, but I carry you in my heart and soul dad.. I love you soo much and know that your faith in God will give you strength to fight this. I love you and miss you, your daughter Rachael

Paul & Arlene said...

Dear Vern and Pat,
We’ve been praying for you and Pat since I talked with you that morning at church. I know that was the morning the elders prayed for you; little did I know that I would ask them to pray for me that very next Sunday. Brother, we are going through this same trial together and I know that our kind, loving Savior will carry us through. Keep your eyes fixed on Him by reading His Word and crying out to Him. He will continue to make His Presence a real comfort to you as He has for me especially during this time so that we will not be shaken! “I have set the Lord continually before me; because HE is at my right hand, I will not be shaken (Ps 16:8).” We went ahead and added your blog as a link on our blog page (www.themirandawrites.blogspot.com) so we can keep connected and be praying for one another. We love you both dearly! May He be greatly exalted!

Pressing Hard into Him,
Paul and Arlene

“Why are you in despair, O my soul? And why have you become disturbed within me? Hope in God, for I shall again praise Him for the help of His Presence!” Psalm 42:5